I never got to write or say a formal good-bye to Legacy yet, so here goes.
I have been in XGN since December 17, 2012. I was recruited by who was at the time XGN DUBSTEP (now XGN OH DANG). My first couple weeks in XGN were weak at best. I didn't attend any meetings, didn't do anything with the clan. I just continued to hang out with my non-XGN friends like I always had. Had the full intention of never going higher than MSG and never changing my name.
Then it happened. On the second Monday of my being in XGN I attended a meeting. The rest was, as they say, history. I missed only 3 meetings from that point on, due to only sickness. I ranked up under XGN Aztec 7 as my general. First to a CPL, then a SSG, a MSG and then I hit staff not long after our split that formed Delirium. I was a 4CPT. I remember this day quite well. I remember it so well because it was just before a squad meeting and Jerry pulled me in to a party and tricked me in to thinking I was being demoted only to hand me a promotion to 4CPT.
Not long after that, Jerry was gone, as was my recruiter. OH DANG moved on to MAJ of Carnage, Jerry moved on to Cofo. XGN Relic VII was now my general and a great friend he would become. I spent nearly all my time hanging out with him when I wasn't doing my duties as now 3CPT. A month goes by, we deal with several hardships and recruiting stagnations. It's now mid-February and I'm a 2CPT, my recruiter is gone from GoD and is now the MAJ of DEMONIC in PoW.
Legacy is getting full again, getting ready to split again. I learn that I'm in line for a MAJ spot as my MAJ, XGN Syndicate 7, who was presumably getting the split squad, wants me to be his MAJ. After a couple weeks of thinking, I agree and we start to think of names for the new squad. Legacy fills out again. We get ready to split only to learn we would not be splitting traditionally, but instead sending people to help out two squad that were in desperate need of members. Relic was promoted to Cofo, Syndicate 7 is named General of Legacy, I'm Major of Legacy.
I spend the next week acting like the general of Legacy in large absence of Legacy's real general. Completing the unusual split, getting Legacy going again. And we were off. A week after I became Major, I become restless at the lack of my General being there, I petition to have him removed and have someone else put in his place that will actually do the job.
It happens. Syndicate is removed and placed at 1CPT. I was named General of Legacy. I spend the next ~70 days mentoring new staff, new members. Leading Legacy to the greatness it became known for under Relic and Aztec's reigns as General of Legacy. I had big shoes to fill. And for the longest time, it was working. I had people telling me they loved being in Legacy, they loved me as their general. I had built friendship, and, inadvertently, loyalty. I was friends with many of the other generals and majors in GoD and, in one case, their children who were also in XGN. I was well respected General with a good track record. I lived through drama occasionally, but nothing I couldn't handle. Including the departure of my second general, Relic, from XGN.
I had to stand up for my guys a couple time, one of those getting me in trouble for forgetting chain of command in my haste to defend my guy. In the end, I had respect. The respect of my squad, even the respect of the higher ups. Then drama hit this past week and it went bye-bye in a hurry. I won't go in to detail, there's those of you that already know what happened, and those of you that don't, well I'm sorry I can't tell you. Not now anyway.
In the end, I was removed as general of Legacy, nearly 2-and-a-half months after my reign started. I immediately got a division transfer and hooked back up with my recruiter in Asylum in PoW and my first general, Aztec who is Co-Div in PoW.
This was really hard to do. Legacy will always be my home in XGN. It pains me so that it ended the way it did. Good-bye, Legacy, I love and will miss you all. Don't forget me. And don't forget to give your next permanent general a chance.
I'll see you down the road sometime. God bless.